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November 10, 2010

Rubber body.

Woman from Russia who now lives in Germany is indeed a very flexible body and elastic like rubber, how not Zlata who is now 24-year-old tainted bent 90 degrees with a perfect body until the hands meet feet, Zlata even able to fold her body to be included in a small box that it's really impossible to enter a normal human being in general.

The uniqueness of its not necessarily just happen, but through a very hard exercise, balanced with efforts to diet, maintain the condition of her body remained supple. The first time she demonstrate flexibility when in front of her school friends she was bending the body to form a bridge. After that Zlata realized her body could be moved so elastic that rarely can be done other people.

It is very remarkable, because the flexibility of her body bound to make the audience chuckle in awe when seen.....

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