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November 5, 2010

Nu Assis sur un Divan

Painting a picture of naked women, Italian painter Amadeo Modigliani's work is probably the most expensive painting. Although the picture is only a half-naked woman, the painting sold 68.96 million U.S. dollars at an auction at Sotheby's auction house, New York, USA.

Value of the auction, classified as a surprise because the same painting at auction earlier last sold only 16.8 million U.S. dollars.Age painting titled "Nu Assis sur un Divan" or "Seated Nude on a cot" that's enough almost 100 years old. This is one of the paintings of naked women who made Modigliani in 1917.

"This is an outstanding work, see interest bidders who have never amounted to now, the auction over the past few years," said Simon Shaw, senior vice president of Sotheby's, after the auction on Tuesday (02/11/2010) night.

When the auction starts, the atmosphere of actual participants in the room reportedly was not too enthusiastic. However, when painting a naked woman was contested five people suspected of Asia and Russia, the auction became more alive. Although a quarter of an auctioned painting failed to sell, Sotheby's managed to reap a total of 227 million U.S. dollars from the auction of paintings. Four paintings were sold at over 19 million U.S. dollars.

Now the paintings Modigliano, indeed highly valuable. However, ironically the painter died in poor condition at the age of 36 years in 1920 because of attacks tuberculosis and meningitis.

Amazing .... judging from the performance, this painting has a value that is very expensive. Indeed, works of art can not be viewed only from one side only, because works of art has value, the assessment is not always the same.

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