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September 27, 2010

The world's biggest wind turbine ..

The push for renewable energy needs other than fossil fuels, encouraging the UK Government to increase the utilization of alternative energy. On Thursday (23 / 9), a number of giant windmills of the largest in the world, operated off the coast of southeast England.

Wind power sites in the North Sea was built along seven miles (12 kilometers) offshore areas. Operation of the wind turbine facility is certainly going to increase the supply of renewable energy across the UK.

Operational Thanet wind turbine site was supplying electrical energy which has now reached a production capacity of 5 gigawatts in the UK, which in a rough calculation can meet the electricity needs for the entire house in Scotland. 

Swedish energy company Vattenfall, which build the largest wind turbine facility, said about 100 turbines off the Thanet coast that can supply enough electricity for one year to 200,000 homes at peak energy production. 

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