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September 29, 2010

Assessing the age of handshakes ...

Hand grip strength is often seen as a sign of confidence. However, it also means a signal that you will have a long life, say scientists.
A study for approximately 10 years of reporting, more than 50,000 people have revealed that grip strength, walking speed or wake up from a chair, and the ability to balance the body is an indicator of how long we can live. Similarly, as reported by the Times of India, on Tuesday (28/09/2010).

In a study has been published in the British Medical Journal, the Medical Research Council (MRC) measures the firmness of the grip hand of the participants aged 18 years to more than 80 years. Studies held in 33 countries reveals the fact that the relationship between grip strength and survival can be seen in young and elderly people. Physical ability tests are also given to participants, including test walking speed, chair rises, and standing balance performed.

"The simple non-invasive assessment of health related present and future, can help doctors identify the most vulnerable people whose health later in life. As well as early intervention (prevention measures) to keep them active for longer," said Rachel Cooper from the MRC.

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