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August 18, 2010

Giant Purse in New York...

If ever, in front of stores or buildings under construction, always covered with a sign saying 'coming soon or under construction', different from what happens in the Dior store! Luxury stores planned to be opened in early December, on East 57th Street, New York, instead using "Dior Purse" giant, as tall as 20 feet by 33 feet wide, as construction barricades!

No wonder, if the brand of Dior, the store has not been so alone, was very excited! Apparently, the building construction barricades are Shawmut Design and Contruction, which are able to make bags with a thickness of 10 feet, which is ultimately the same bag like the original! And instead of distancing people from the shops being built, this barricade just invite more people to come and see it .... fantastic!

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