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August 19, 2010

The first energy-producing city in the world ..

Sonnenschiff a town of Freiburg, Germany, has advantages not possessed by other cities. Sustainable city, can meet their own needs for energy, through solar power designs are brilliant and lots of photovoltaic panels are directed in the right direction. Sounds like a simple strategy - but the architects are often less prioritize the installation of solar power.

Designed by Rolf Disc, Sonnenschiff (Solar Ray Machine) and Solarsiedlung (Solar Ray Village), emphasize the production of energy from beginning to incorporate a series of solar power generator on the roof. The buildings there were also constructed in accordance Passivhaus standard, which allows the project to produce four times as much energy than necessary.

These houses, has a simple shed roof, which hung to allow sunlight in winter, and shade the building from the sun in the summer. The rooftop also has a rainwater recycling system which irrigates the gardens and the supplying of water to the toilet.

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