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June 16, 2010

The human tortoise

A child from China, Maimaiti Hali have suffered for years due to physical abnormalities which he suffered. At back, grow cells hard leather bigger, until shaped like shell.
Not only physical pain who he anguish, but also psychological because people taunting as tortoise. Not infrequently, Maimati be the object of delinquency friends. But life Maimaiti will immediately changed. Operation two hours in Hospital Military Provincial Xinjiang, China, succeeded lifted 'shell' at back.
The father, Maimaiti Musai admitted pleased with the results of the operation. Actually, the family hopes the operation can be done for a long time. But, "we notified, impossible doing operating because he still small. But shell his back grown and become large, like eggshell turtles, "he's said. Like a loaded page Daily Telegraph, June 2, 2010. "People always taunting - we want immediately terminate anguish psychological our child," added he.
Head team physician who operated on Maimaiti, Ye Xiangpo say, skin removed from his back Maimaiti thick like leather bull. To replace skin that was taken, doctors transplant skin of the head and hands Maimaiti. "Skin head can grow very quickly. We hope he can recover fully, "he said.
Meanwhile, Maimaiti Hali admitted happy misery has been lifted. "It hurts really, but a little. The important thing is I'm not worried about being ridiculed my friends again, "he said.
"I can not wait, playing without having to wear a T-shirt, also swam naked with my friends." I hope all goes well ..

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